Senior care made easy.

Get matched with a verified, high-quality caregiver that fits your family's needs, guaranteed.

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Trusted by families like yours

Receive quality care matches in just a few minutes.

Just tell us the situation, budget, and location and Clara’s care experts will find your perfect caregiver

Describe the type of care you're looking for

Set your budget

Receive matches from Clara and hire your caregiver

Find a caregiver

Clara takes care of everything, from finding care, to payroll and insurance.

Find the right caregiver

Clara's roster of highly-vetted, experienced, certified, local caregivers ensures we have the high-quality caregiver you'll love

Hire without the headache

We recognize that care doesn’t stop once you find somebody to help. Our software helps you hire them legally

Run payroll automatically

Clara's modern technology automates away the hassle of managing payroll and taxes, so you can focus on more important things

Protect yourself in one click

Clara makes sure you're compliant and protected from liability with unemployment and workers comp insurance built in

Get started

Save up to 40% with Clara compared to using care agencies

Clara only charges a small, 15% percent fee each time payroll is run. This means you only pay for when you use Clara and can save you around $35,000 a year.

Better care starts with Clara.

Find, hire, and pay top-notch caregivers without the headache for a price that fits your budget.